Hanging out with the KaosPilots

At the beginning of October I was privileged to be one of the people presenting and exploring ideas with the KaosPilots in Aarhus, Denmark, during their annual White Week.
KaosPilots is the name of both the (very) alternative business school and the people that attend it. They follow a programme built around four core disciplines – Creative Business Design, Creative Leadership Design, Creative Project Design and Creative Process Design – and where personal development, reflection, personal leadership, social, and learning processes are all central. The students create their own education within the framework of the curriculum and take personal responsibility for their own learning, and the success of their program.
There were some fascinating presentations during the week, which had the theme of Design. My own talk was called “What’s the Point of Design?” and explored the importance of purpose when engaging in any form of design.
Take a look at the complete programme, which you can download from the KP website.
The people that attend the school are some of the most exciting and inventive young people I have ever met. Interestingly five years after graduating, around 30% of them are running their own businesses, compared to only 5% from more conventional business schools.
This was my second visit to the KaosPilots, and I plan to have many more to keep recharging my creative batteries!
Check out the KaosPilots, and if you ever get the chance to visit, grab it without hesitation – you won’t be disappointed.

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