What can be learnt from the UK Election? (and I don’t mean politically)

So, it's all over bar the shouting – or perhaps, given the apparently calm (in public, at least) way in which the three main parties are exploring their coalition options, it's more accurate to say, it's all over bar the very polite, respectful conversations.

For me there are two things of particular interest in the way this election has actually turned out, compared to all the possible outcomes about which the media, and so many of the rest of us, have been speculating over the last few weeks.

The first is the way that the LibDem "surge" just seemed to disappear when it actually came to voting.

In my work as a coach, one of the behaviours I come across most regularly is people saying that they want to cause real change in aspects of their life, but then being very resistant to actually taking the necessary actions.

When push comes to shove, what you know and are familiar with, is often a much easier and more comfortable choice than taking the risky path that can lead to what you really want.

I'm sure there were lots of factors at play in the way that people voted, and I'm equally certain that a huge number ultimately chose to vote for what they know (i.e. the safe option of no real change), because they were influenced by the fear that David Cameron, and much of the media, created about the horrors of a hung parliament.

Does that sound familiar? Think about those times when you have wanted to take radical action to cause a change in your life and found yourself surrounded by naysayers forecasting doom and destruction, and telling you you'd be much better off sticking with what you know.

From an influence point of view, it's interesting how DC managed to create a convincing sounding argument that his party was the only one that could offer "real change", whilst simultaneously providing "stability" – which according to the Concise Oxford Dictionary means "the state of being firmly fixed".

In effect he conjured up that delusion that so many people fall victim to – "I'm going to change my life completely by sticking with what I know." An excellent example of the widely quoted definition: "Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and
expecting different results".

And that brings me to the second interesting point – that, despite all the posturing, politicising and polemics, we have ended up with the one situation that none of the three major parties really wanted.

The Conservatives and LibDems are having to explore what they both consider a rather distasteful unnatural relationship. Meanwhile, Gordon Brown must stand by and smile (not his favourite activity), while his rivals attempt to consummate their new found love, in the hope that he might be invited to hop into bed after a failed one night stand.

And, again, this reflects the situation that many people I know have ended up in when they failed to fully grasp the opportunities available to them or commit to the course of action that deep down they knew could lead to the outcomes they really wanted.

It's going to be interesting to see how all this pans out over the next week, and in my blogs, I'll continue to borrow from the developing political story to offer you a series of thoughts, ideas and tips designed to help you elect the life that you want, and create the real change that you desire.

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